Author Archive pariba

Barber Shop San Nicolas

2022-02-20 Comments Off on Barber Shop San Nicolas By pariba

Contento di wak e barber shop ta sigui bay dilanti spera di por tin un opening date very soon pa por share cu full peublo di san nicolas

SNBA Conferencia di Prensa

2022-02-20 Comments Off on SNBA Conferencia di Prensa By pariba

San Nicolas Business Association hunto cu otro miembro nan di Pariba Aliance, durante un conferencia di prensa teni na “Rum Reef Bar an Grill” a presenta su posicion contra e hecho cu huez a pone a paro na e permisonan cu ta rondona construccion di un hotel di 600 kamber na Seroe Colorado. Segun secretario di SNBA, senor Errol de Freitas, a base di e decison di huez, e hotel como katalysator lo no bira un realidad .Y tambe esnan di San Nicolas cu ta traha na e hotelnan cu ta pabao lo perde e posibilidad pa traha cerca di cas. Tumando esei na cuenta ta boga pa e huez den e siguinte buelta permiti pa construccion di e hotel sigui.



Pueblo di pariba di brug (gran parti di e poblacion di pais Aruba), despues di  35 aña di un economia den spiral negativo…di a perde over di 800 famia…cu e porcentahe mas halto di problemanan social di e isla…declara oficialmente e sector mas pober di Aruba…

Finalmente ta logra un inversionista pa traha nos prome hotel “pariba di brug”cu lo fungi manera catalizador

Esaki a trece caba:

  1. Cu Gobierno tin atencion pa “pariba di brug” mester adapta Pariba di brug na un sector turístico manteniendo nos identidad autentico.
  2. Projecto Serena (Rodger’s Beach) a worde cumpra y lo ta pronto den construcion
  3. Shumarucu Real Estate cla pa converti ex Esso Club na un boutique hotel.
  4. Grupo Giannis cu projecto di boutique hotel cerca di Secrets.
  5.  Interes nan serio di invercionista local & international pa establece y habri negoshinan nobo pariba di brug…

E posibilidad pa pueblo traha mas cerca di nan cas, nan famia, ta yuda e economía di pariba; e aumento di tempo familiar lo trece cambio positivo di nos situacion social.

Awe, tur esaki ta na peliger pa un grupo minoritario cu ta considera nan agenda personal mas importante cu e beneficio di henter un población, pa colmo ta logra convence un grupo asina serio manera Parke Nacional Arikok pa apoya nan.

Si nos papia di daño na medio ambiente, lo mester evalua serio y legalmente e projecto y monsternan di hotel cu ta coba, destrui (fauna y flora) pabou di brug. Pueblo di pariba di brug, grupo nan uni di pariba di brug “Pariba Aliance” ta preparando un accion pa pidi Gobierno y tur otro autoridad concerni…pa no permiti e atentado aki contra e futuro di nos distrito.

SNBA New Year Toast 2022

2022-02-08 Comments Off on SNBA New Year Toast 2022 By pariba

Once again we were able to have an amazing new years toast with our members, on a beautiful Friday evening at Jads, were we presented to our members what SNBA performed during the pandemic and what is coming in 2022 for Pariba and our members.

SNBA meets with KVK

2022-02-08 Comments Off on SNBA meets with KVK By pariba

during the last week of January the board of SNBA had a fruitful meeting with the chamber of commerce. many ideas were brought in and many future developments will start from this great initiative.

I Love San Nicolas

2022-02-03 Comments Off on I Love San Nicolas By pariba

I love San Nicolas a pone su logo na entrada di caya den e parking lot. Un bon iniciativa cu sigur nos lo tende mas di dje.

We Culture | The question is NOT what San Nicolas can do for US| Edition #36

2022-02-03 Comments Off on We Culture | The question is NOT what San Nicolas can do for US| Edition #36 By pariba

The board of tue SNBA would like to thank the organization of “We Culture” for the invite to be on the panel of last night’s event. There was a great exchange of thought & ideas by the panelists and the audience and we look forward to participating of the next edition of the “Ask not what San Nicolas can do for you, but what you can do for San Nicolas”, again congratz to Celeste, Sonny, Ivo and the whole “We Culture” crew and of course Kulture Cafe for hosting this event.

Feliz dia di Betico San Nicolas

2022-02-03 Comments Off on Feliz dia di Betico San Nicolas By pariba

San Nicolas semper tambe ta corda Betico riba e dia special aki di nos pais.

Mo Mohamed Book Signing

2022-02-03 Comments Off on Mo Mohamed Book Signing By pariba

San Nicolas y Aruba en particular ban celebra y apoya loke ta di nos e book signing di nos propio jui di San Nicolas “Mo Mohamed”, na nos cas di arte “ARTISA”, cual a tuma luga dia 17 December 2021

Holidays at the roundabout

2022-02-03 Comments Off on Holidays at the roundabout By pariba

Tito Bolivar di Artisa y su famia e aña aki cu diseño di Eduardo Solognier finalisando e rotonde principal di San Nicolas celebrando su di 3 aña y dedica na su querida mamà Diana Croes cu ta recuperando aya na tera friew. SNBA ta felicita e team dimamico di Tito cu a logra esaki den nomber di parti di e communidad commercial y ciudadanonan di SN y Pariba di brug…..