Pariba News

Revitalisacion di San Nicolas y pariba di brug

2021-12-11 Comments Off on Revitalisacion di San Nicolas y pariba di brug By pariba

Durante e ultimo dos lunanan directiva di SNBA ta atendiendo differente reunion nan cu gobierno di Aruba tocante di e tema di revitalisacion di San Nicolas y pariba di brug cu gobierno di Aruba. E compromiso di ambos partido ta serio pa logra e metanan aki te cu por aprecia esaki den un di e prome pasonan cu ta e regerings-akkoord cu a ser firma y presenta na San Nicolas durante e prome siman di gobernacion.

Tin varios expertonan ta evaluando tur esaki pa por presenta esaki na pueblo di San Nicolas y Pariba di brug y Aruba en general, keda pendiente pa mas informacion.

Secrets Baby Beach phase 1

To the community of San Nicolas & surrounding areas Secrets of Aruba is on the rise, phase one is on its’ way the steele structures are being assembled as we speak. There is a projected 300 rooms to open by December 2022, down town San Nicolas get ready… We will continue to inform you…Pueblo di San Nicolas atè ki Secrets of Aruba a cuminsa lanta e structura di su Hotel.

E prome fase di su structura ta den pleno construccion, sigun projeccion nan 300 camber lo habri December 2022, San Nicolas prepara pa ricibi nos prome Hotel den Seroe Colorado…nos lo sigi informabo…

Board SNBA a assisti e di 34 edicion di “We Kulture”

Den fin di October Board di SNBA tawata dilanti di Culture Cafe mei mei di caya principal di San Nicolas. Unda “We Kulture” a presenta un anochi super ameno caminda por a disfruta varios club/organisacionan deportivo y di arte musical y manera semper e calidad y servicio di Kulture Cafe.

Reconstructing the steps going down the beach

SNBA was present this morning at the start of a nice project for rodgers beach, Minister of tourism and ATA will be reconstructing the steps going down the beach that is well needed for our locals and tourists

IMSAN Vacunathon

2021-10-05 Comments Off on IMSAN Vacunathon By pariba

Diasabra 25 di september IMSAN a presenta “Cana Kibra y Vacuna”

Cu e meta pa yega mas cerca posibel di comunidad y brinda e oportunidad pa busca e vacuna di COVID-19 mas cerca di cas, IMSAN den colaboracion cu DVG a organisa diasabra dia 25 di September un dia di “Cana Kibra y Vacuna” of tambe yama ‘Walk In’ pa comunidad bibando pariba di brug.

For di 9’or di mainta te cu 4’or di atardi ‘non stop’ tur persona di 12 aña of mas bibando na Aruba cu ainda no a logra vacuna contra COVID-19, por haci esaki door di yega IMSAN cu nan carnet di AZV of nan AZV digital y vacuna.

Corda cu mucha bou di 18 aña mester presenta cu un mayor na momento di vacuna.

Esnan cu tambe por vacuna ta:
✔️ Studiantenan Arubiano cu vakantie na Aruba of cu stage opdracht.
✔️ Inmigrante bibando mas cu 6 luna na Aruba cu of sin permiso.
✔️ Ciudadano cu paspoort Hulandes bibando/trahando mas cu 1 luna na Aruba.

No perde e ocasion aki pa bin busca bo vacuna contra COVID-19.

Riba e dia aki lo tin vacuna di Pfizer y tambe Johnson & Johnson pa comunidad por scoge cua e ta desea. Ta importante si pa informa cu Johnson & Johnson no por wordo duna na mucha bou di 18 aña y tampoco na hende muher na estado.

IMSAN y DVG ta invita tur ciudadano cu ainda no a logra vacuna pa probecha y yega diasabra awo dia 25 di September na IMSAN, San Nicolas y busca bo vacuna pa bo tambe ta proteha y
alavez contribui na meta pa reduci e cantidad di casonan di COVID y yuda nos pais recupera.

Corda cu vacuna no ta solamente un acto di solidaridad y responsabilidad conhunto caminda niun hende por keda atras; pero mas tanto, vacuna ta un acto di amor pa bo mes, bo famia y bo pais!

Por fabor, no duda mas!

CMB San Nicolas is BACK

2021-10-05 Comments Off on CMB San Nicolas is BACK By pariba

The board of San Nicolas Business Association is happy to congratulate CMB for the revamp of a new and modern Bank experience.

San Nicolas was well represented at the reopening of the San Nicolas branch of the Caribbean Mercantile Bank NV, SNBA board representatives were engaged in how the bank is improving on many comments received from the former branch.

CMB management were happy and confident of the investment in San Nicolas “Danki San Nicolas pa e sosten di semper! Dedicacion y amor pa sirbi bo a conduci na inovacion. Awe CMB San Nicolas SmartBranch a habri su portanan den compania ameno di colega, cliente y personanan cu a contribui na e realisacion di e vision di modernisacion aki.”

SNBA meets with Economisch Bureau Amsterdam

2021-09-02 Comments Off on SNBA meets with Economisch Bureau Amsterdam By pariba

SNBA had the pleasure to sit down with the Economisch Bureau Amsterdam. Mr. Koert van Buiren and Mr Cees van Gent took the drive up to San Nicolas and the SNBA offices to have a fact gathering discussion for their research into our economic climate of our island.

[email protected]
+31-(0)6-125 05 395

SNBA pushed the Pariba narative and made sure that we are not left behind in the conversation but also when the solutions need to be set.

San Nicolas ta host MEP y RAIZ pa firma acuerdo di gobernacion 2021 – 2025

2021-08-29 Comments Off on San Nicolas ta host MEP y RAIZ pa firma acuerdo di gobernacion 2021 – 2025 By pariba

E partidonan MEP y RAIZ a dicidi di cera cabes y uni forsa pa garantisa e bienestar general di henter nos comunidad. Ta den union por brinda e pueblo di Aruba un gobierno na unda derechonan di e ser humano ta wordo respeta maneho di nos pais ta basa riba bon gobernacion,transparencia y intigridad di nos institutonan gubernamental, un finanzas publico responsabel, desaroyo economico duradero y sostenibel, husticia social y siguridad social garantisa, un naturalesa y medio ambiente protegi, y bienestar di animalnan.

Andy Hernandez a hiba palabra unda a corda tur hende presente cu ta aki na San Nicolas ta unda tur e progreso grandy nan lo bin den e gobernashon aki.

Firmamento a tuma luga na Nicolas Store na San Nicolas.

Pizza Hut Welcome Back Home

2021-08-29 Comments Off on Pizza Hut Welcome Back Home By pariba

A habry e prome Pizza Hit pa San Nicolas. E lugar di carryout y delivery aparentemente a bira un hit inmediato cu pueblo di San Nicolas. y esey tabata algo Directiva di SNBA, San Nicolas Business Association masha feliz mes.

Andy Hernandez kende ta presidente di San Nicolas Business Assicioation tabate presente na a eapertura oficial, y a felicita gerentenan Glen Croes y Tamara Lacle cu e inversion y bunita localidad aki pa asina cumpli cu e consumidornan di San Nicolas.

E la bisa cu San Nicolas tambe ta di fiesta. Ta un honor panan tuma inversionista original di San Nicolas mes, pa traha y habri un sucursal na San Nicolas.

Welcome Back Home

Carta pa Formador

2021-07-26 Comments Off on Carta pa Formador By pariba

SNBA a entrega un carta na formador, please tur por download riba e link aki